Find high quality Granit Blue Labrador Suppliers on Alibaba. The Silver Lab comes from the base color gene of chocolate and therefore is registered as so. Alibaba offers 99 Granit Blue Labrador Suppliers, and Granit Blue Labrador Manufacturers, Distributors, Factories, Companies.

But there exists a recessive ‘d’ allele that results in a dilute color if two of them are present, as a ‘dd’ gene. The ‘d’ Gene is Responsible For The ‘Dilute Color’ The ‘D’ gene is always present in labs, usually in a pairing of two ‘DD’ allele. They can look like a charcoal Lab with brighter colors. It is a less discussed gene that’s responsible for creating the Silver Labrador Retriever. As a family pet and companion, they very much enjoy the activities associated with hiking, swimming, fishing and all the usual activities the Labrador breed has been known to love. Silver Labradors are a type of dog with a silver-grey-blue coat in the Labrador Retriever breed. The silver Lab is often very driven and birdy in the field. The Silver Lab is naturally camouflaged due to their coat color, and this additionally makes them attractive to hunters. While we specialize in silver and charcoal, also known as dilute, Labradors, we also produce yellow, black, and chocolate puppies. With the 1st son born with these colors, I thought the hospital had switched my baby with another and then, 2 1/2 years later, we. Located in the beautiful Ozark Mountains of south central Missouri, Silvermist Labradors is dedicated to producing outstanding AKC Registered Labrador puppies of all colors. We had 2 boys born with VERY Blond (nearly White) hair and Blue eyes. Also as more silver breeders appear the darker blue color has.

They are winning and earning their Field Titles as Junior Hunters and Master Hunters. Silver Labradors are actually a Chocolate Labrador wearing a Light Silver coat due to the fact that they have the dilution gene in their. Silver Lab expression follows the exact same pattern as any other dilution in other breeds. Silver Labs are excelling in the field and in field trials. In basic terms, this means the AKC would not allow your dog in an AKC sanctioned show ring. Reasons for the controversy stem from the lack of information available to trace the origins of this color in the breed as well as the fact that the AKC standard for the Labrador breed does not acknowledge silver as an acceptable color for a Lab. Typically, it is a bluish-grey or slate, yet, faded brown is another possibility. The silver coat color in Labradors has gained attention recently and is a controversial topic with some people and club organizations. The Silver Labrador can come in a number of different shades.